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Kesseböhmer part of the premiere of the German-Ukrainian evening of the IHK

The Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim Chamber of Commerce and Industry welcomed 120 participants to the premiere of the "Vocational Training and Bandura" event, a German-Ukrainian evening in the top floor of the warehouse in Osnabrück. In addition to presentations on the topics of vocational training and continuing education, there was a roundtable discussion with representatives of regional training companies.

"The idea behind our 'Vocational Training and Bandura' format is to have informal discussions about the opportunities for vocational training in the region and the recognition of Ukrainian professional qualifications. We provide tips for entering the German job market and offer the opportunity to network," said Dr. Maria Deuling, responsible for internal quality management and controlling in training and further education at the IHK. Holger Meyer and Angelina Koppenborg, as industrial and commercial training managers at Kesseböhmer, gave the guests tips for finding the right Apprenticeship: "It is important to find out about the profession in advance and to do internships."

The evening was accompanied by live Ukrainian music from the group "Svite" from Hanover. The three artists sang to the sounds of the piano and bandura, a Ukrainian lute instrument. Afterwards, the guests had the opportunity to try typical Ukrainian specialties and exchange ideas. The participants showed great interest in the dual Apprenticeship : "Many guests took notes during the presentations or photographed the slides. In the discussions during and after the event, it became clear how great the need was for practical information and a platform to ask individual questions," said a delighted Anastasija Daut, IHK Ukraine Project Coordinator, who moderated "Vocational Training and Bandura".

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