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Kesseböhmer cooperates with Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

In cooperation with the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Kesseböhmer was a partner of the "Practical Project with Communication", which took place for the first time in the dual course of studies in business administration, in which thirty students dealt with real business issues of a company - now the results were presented.

How do you develop a go-to-market strategy for a new product, at what point is it worthwhile to increase warehouse capacities, how can you effectively collect data on sustainability, and what options are there for improving an application process? These and four other exciting practical questions from the areas of human resources, sustainability, marketing and logistics were addressed by the dual students of the bachelor's degree program in business administration at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. They were accompanied from the project presentation to the final presentation by seven practical mentors from the Kesseböhmer Group in Bad Essen and Bohmte.

After the very successful final presentations at the university, some groups were also given the opportunity to present their results to further company representatives from Kesseböhmer. "The project was a complete success for both sides. As a large training company, we know how important it is for the learning process to be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice. That's why we were pleased to give the students this opportunity as part of the project," emphasizes Nils Sieksmeyer, a staff marketing officer, "on the other hand, we were able to gain new impulses and creative approaches to solutions for many topics through an unbiased perspective."

Kesseböhmer would like to thank Prof. Dr. Michael Schüller and Claudia Steinkuhl from the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences for their excellent cooperation and all participating students for their impressive commitment. The results of the individual projects will now be evaluated within the company and subsequently included in future decision-making processes.

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